AI health
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How AI is Helping People Transform Their Health

Since the introduction of AI years ago, it has been making transformational change within healthcare. Researchers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical technology companies have been using Artificial Intelligence to make ground-breaking improvements transforming healthcare. On an individual level AI is making a big impact in how people transform their health and wellness. In this article we’ll go through six ways of how AI is making an impact in healthcare.

1. Role in AI Health Monitoring

A. Wearable Devices of Health Trackers:

  • Apple Watch: Uses AI to detect irregular heart rhythms and notify users of potential issues. 
  • Fitbit: Employs machine learning to provide sleep insights and stress management recommendations
  • Oura Ring: Uses AI analyze sleep patterns and overall readiness, providing personalized health advice
How AI Analyzes data from these devices

 AI plays an important role in analyzing data from wearable devices by leveraging machine learning and algorithms to extract valuable insights. AI analyzes data from wearable devices:

1. Pattern Recognition: Sleep analysis and activity recognition
2. Predictive Analytics: Health predictive and behaviour predictions
3. Anomaly Detection: Irregular heartbeats, unusual activity levels
4. Personalization & Recommendations: Personalized workouts and health tips

Benefits of Daily Health Management

Wearable devices and health trackers have become integral to modern healthcare and wellness. They have empowered individuals to take better care of themselves. These devices have allowed people to monitor their physical activity such as steps taken, and calories burned. People can set physical activity goals and feel a sense of accomplishment by achieving daily step goals.

Health trackers can track vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels. Tracking vital signs can help people detect abnormalities much earlier so they can seek medical attention if needed.

When people wear a smartwatch, most can track and analyze sleep patterns. Knowing the quality of sleep can help you to make improvements if needed. Having optimal sleep quality is important to live our best lives.

B. Remote Patient Monitoring

Patient monitoring is not what it used to be. AI has been enhancing accuracy and efficiency of healthcare delivery. Here are ways that AI plays a big factor in patient monitoring:

  • Predictive Analytics – AI can leverage historical and real-time data to predict serious health issues such as cardiac events and septic predictions
  • Continuous Monitoring – AI-powered systems provide continuous monitoring of patients, especially those with chronic conditions. This continuous oversight helps in managing conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory illnesses more effectively.
  • Hyperarousal: Being easily startled, feeling tense or “on edge,” and having difficulty concentrating.
  • Remote Monitoring and Telehealth – AI can monitor patient data so that care providers can insights virtually
  • Anomaly Detection – AI can identify irregular heartbeat by analyzing arrhythmias in ECG data
  • Personalized Care Plans – AI can analyze patient data and create personalized care plans such as medical adjustments, personalized workout plans and medication adjustments

2. Personalized Healthcare with AI

A. AI-driven personalized nutrition

There are now tools and resources available for AI to create personalized nutrition plans based on data provided. These personalized nutrition plans can be customized based on genetics, what your body needs to hit fitness and weight goals. .

B. Personalized Fitness Plans


AI can create customized fitness plans to help people create and meet their fitness goals. You can get personalized fitness plans through AI-powered fitness apps (e.g., Freeletics, MyFitnessPal)
Here’s how AI can help:

1.  Data Collection: personal information, health history, fitness data and lifestyle data
2.  Goal Setting: AI can help set realistic and reasonable goals based on lifestyle.  Based on data collected, fitness plans can be created to focus on a goal such as weight loss, building muscle, toning and cardio focus.
3. Tailored Workouts: AI can create workouts based on goals and preferences for the type of workouts you enjoy
4. Nutritional Advice: AI can provide nutritional advice based on workout plans, data collected and goals

3. AI in Predictive and Preventative Healthcare

Over the last decade, AI has made huge advancements in predictive and preventative healthcare. Based on data collection, healthcare professionals can accurately determine the chances of someone getting a certain health issue. With this type of information, individuals can make better, more informed choices for their health. Here are some ways AI is helping predictive and preventative health: 

  • Predictive Analytics – AI uses data analytics and machine learning to make predictive models of what could happen based on any number of factors.
  • Be Patient: The claims process can be lengthy and complicated. Patience is essential, as rushing or getting frustrated can exacerbate stress.
  • Know Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with your rights and entitlements under ICBC. Understanding what you are entitled to can prevent misunderstandings and ensure you receive the support you need.

AI has had many benefits for individuals in transforming their health however with all the monitoring that is now available, it’s important to remember that AI cannot replace an actual healthcare professional who can interpret data and give a diagnosis if needed. If you need to speak to a health professional, search on Medimap to find one in your area. 

To easily search, compare and book an appointment with a professional near you, visit

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