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A Basic Guide to Mental Health Care

Mental health care has become more and more prominent. The recent years of the pandemic have perhaps even exemplified the need to be aware of mental health and be proactive. Approximately 1 in 5 adults experiences some sort of mental illness. The numbers are no better for children. In Canada, approximately 20% of children and youth are reported as experiencing some sort of mental illness. Many of these young people are never treated or simply not treated properly for the mental health struggles they are experiencing. There is nothing that warns of mental illness. It can stem from anywhere and it certainly does not discriminate. The most common forms of mental illness include anxiety, depression, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Mental health is incredibly important and becomes more so every day. Take a look at this guide to learn more about mental health, as well as support and resources.

What is mental health?

Mental health is the mental version of physical health. It’s all about what your body is mentally experiencing and it’s very real. Mental health is really about well-being, although there are several specific mental illnesses and mental disorders that can affect your mental health.

Mental health has to do with social well-being, emotional health, and psychological health. Mental health affects the very nature by which we respond to life. We make choices, deal with stress, and build relationships with other people based on our mental health.

There are a number of problems that can arise based on mental health. Many of these are described as mental illnesses or disorders. Some of these can be genetic but that is not always the case. It is possible to develop mental health problems from life experiences or even from a family history of struggles.
The good news is that there are resources and support for mental health all over. Resources are becoming more readily available.

Can you prevent mental health problems?

Mental health problems cannot always be prevented. While you can familiarize yourself with potential problems and be proactive about your mental health, you can not necessarily prevent it. Sometimes even being as proactive as possible will not stop a mental health problem from occurring. 

However, you can familiarize yourself with the signs and then take the steps to help yourself when your mental health is not at its best. 

Here are some steps to help.

Are there cures for mental health problems?

Technically speaking, there is no cure for mental health problems. With that in mind, there are a variety of treatment options out there that are designed to help people with mental problems live long and fulfilling lives. While there are no cures, it doesn’t mean that you just have to suffer. You can seek mental health care and treatment and quite possibly experience a life primarily free of mental health symptoms, or at least learn the proper coping mechanisms.

What are the 4 types of mental health conditions?

There are 4 main types of mental health disorders. Each type of disorder also has additional categories that might be covered.

The 4 types of mental health disorders include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and ADHD.
Anxiety disorders and mood disorders have a large list of things that fall under them. For example, depression and bipolar disorders are both types of mood disorders. Phobias, PTSD, panic, and general anxiety are all types of anxiety disorders.

What are the 5 signs of mental health concerns?

When it comes to recognizing mental illness for yourself or for a loved one, there are certain signs that you can look for. Knowing various signs that might lead you to recognize a potential disorder offers the opportunity to seek treatment and get the help that is most likely much-needed.
Here is a brief overview of those signs:

If you’re recognizing changes in someone that seem concerning, it’s important to take note and consider that a mental health problem might be applicable.

What factors affect mental health?

There are many different factors that can trigger mental health or potentially affect mental health as well. It’s important to be familiar with these. It is possible that mental health problems will be genetic. It is not unusual for these to run in family history. Anything that happens in our lives can affect our mental health. Positive circumstances and experiences can improve mental health. On the other hand, negative experiences and circumstances can take a toll on our mental health. Things like the environment around us, trauma, stress, negativity, bad habits, and substances can affect your mental health. To learn some tips on improving your mental health, check out this blog.

What are the 7 most common mental disorders?

These mental disorders might look familiar from the types of mental disorders discussed earlier. There are a lot of different types of disorders. It is important to be diagnosed and treated by a professional. However, these are the most common mental disorders.

When should I seek help for my mental health?

Every person is different. Some people are able to work themselves through mental health struggles on their own. However, this is not always the case. When your mental health is causing problems with work, school, life, and personal relationships you need to consider seeking help. If you are experiencing these things, reach out to a mental health professional to seek treatment. If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or harm to others, you need to seek immediate help. Keep in mind there are hotlines and immediate resources available for any circumstance.

How can a mental health professional help?

Mental health professionals are trained to help. There are several different types of professionals and how they can help differs. There are life coaches, who are certified to work through various issues with you and simply coach you through techniques that you can use to cope or improve on self. They are not doctors and cannot diagnose or treat a specific disorder but they can be helpful in some cases.

Therapists and counsellors are licensed and educated to diagnose and work through a variety of mental disorders. The treatment itself will vary depending on the professional and your needs. Most of them will try to work through coping mechanisms and provide you with tips and insight to handle your challenges. Psychiatrists have the ability to treat with medication when it is necessary.

All of these professionals are trained to work with mental health. Every professional takes a different approach so it’s important to find the best fit for your needs.

What do I do if the support I seek doesn’t help?

When it comes to mental health, there are a lot of varying factors. Not every professional treats things the same or even has the same professional capabilities. For this reason, it might be necessary to try different options until you find the best fit. Understanding that you need to seek professional support is the first step. This means that you recognize the need for help and you’re willing to seek it. If you feel as though it’s not helping, you can share this concern with the professional you are using. You certainly don’t have to but they may have other ideas and have no idea what they are doing isn’t working. You can also change the treatment that you seek. A different individual might have a different insight that could work better for you. It’s also possible that you simply need a different perspective. If you feel as though your support is not helping, don’t give up. Look for alternatives.

What do I do if I'm worried about my mental health?

Recognizing that your mental health might be struggling is perhaps the hardest part. Many people are not willing to admit they have mental health struggles or simply have no idea what to do when they face these challenges. 

If you are facing a mental health struggle of any kind, just remember that you are not alone. There are people just like you who struggle with mental health every single day. When you recognize or have concerns about mental health, this is when you take action. 

Of course, there are minor things that you can do for yourself but you can also dip into local resources designed to help you. Here are some great ideas.

No matter what type of help you might need, there is something out there for you. It’s just a matter of finding the right fit based on your needs and the mental health struggles you are experiencing.

How do I decide what type of help I need?

If you are unsure where to start or what type of help you might need, that’s ok. You’re always welcome to do a bit of research and see if you can find the resource that appeals to you most or seems to fit your needs the best.  However, a good place to start is with your primary medical provider. Often, your doctor can give you a reference or recommendation to at least get you started. You might also check with friends, family, or any individual you know that is seeking mental health treatment.  If your area has mental health services or your insurance provider offers assistance with programs, you can also look for options from these resources.

How to find a mental health professional near me

Visit Medimap and provide the required details including your location to find your nearest mental health clinic. You will be able to book an appointment by selecting your preferred provider and choosing your desired hour.

If you are interested in speaking to a mental health professional for a health concern that you have, you can search on Medimap for a mental health clinic.

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