Minor Ailment Prescribing by Pharmacists: A New Era in Healthcare
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From Red Eye to Quick Recovery: How Pharmacists Helped Resolve My Minor Health Issue

This article has been authored by our Marketing Manager, Shereen Mohammed, who is currently on maternity leave.

Dealing with a Minor Health Issue: A Personal Experience

When I woke up one day with a red eye, I didn’t think much of it at first. It was just a regular Wednesday, and I figured it would probably go away on its own within a few days. But as the week went on, my eye didn’t improve. In fact, by Friday, it was starting to get a little crusty.
I knew I needed to do something about it, but I really didn’t want to go all the way to my family doctor. I had only met them once before, and it seemed like such a hassle to call and make an appointment, get my baby ready and seated, and drive all the way there. I figured it was probably just pink eye or conjunctivitis, and I knew that pharmacists in Ontario were able to prescribe for minor ailments like that, so I decided to go to my local pharmacy instead.
As soon as I walked in, the pharmacist asked if I wanted to have a consult. I said yes, and within 10 minutes, she had taken my health card and asked me a few questions about my symptoms. She quickly diagnosed me with an infection and prescribed some eye drops to use for seven days.
I was amazed at how quick and easy the whole process was. I didn’t have to make an appointment, wait in a waiting room, or deal with any of the other hassles that usually come with seeing a doctor. And the best part was that I could just walk around the store and do some shopping while I waited for my prescription to be filled. Within 45 minutes, I was back home and on my way to feeling better.

How Pharmacists Can Help with Minor Ailments

The convenience of having a pharmacist prescribe for minor ailments is something that I think more people should take advantage of. It’s so much easier than going to a doctor, especially when you’re dealing with something that’s not too serious. And it’s not just eye infections that pharmacists can help with – there are actually over a dozen different minor ailments that they can prescribe for, including things like allergies, cold sores, and even some types of infections.

New Developments in BC: Pharmacists Can Now Prescribe for 13 Minor Ailments

Starting June 1st, 2023, British Columbia (BC) is expanding its pharmacies’ scope to prescribe medication for 13 minor ailments. This new development is part of a larger effort to make healthcare more accessible and convenient for British Columbians. The new minor ailments that pharmacists will be able to prescribe medication for include acne, seasonal allergies, diaper rash, and more.
This expansion of services is a significant step forward in improving healthcare access, particularly for those who live in rural areas or have difficulty accessing a family doctor. By allowing pharmacists to prescribe medication for minor ailments, patients can receive treatment and relief quickly and efficiently without needing to make an appointment with a family doctor.

The convenience of being able to receive treatment for minor ailments at a pharmacy cannot be overstated. As I shared earlier in my experience, it only took 45 minutes to resolve my red eye issue with the help of a pharmacist. This is a testament to the efficiency of the system and the expertise of pharmacists. If you’re ever dealing with a minor health issue, I highly recommend giving them a try – you might be surprised at just how convenient and helpful they can be!


In conclusion, the expansion of pharmacy services in BC to include prescribing medication for minor ailments is a significant step forward in improving healthcare access and convenience. Patients can now receive treatment for minor ailments quickly and efficiently, reducing the burden on the healthcare system and improving overall health outcomes.

Search, compare, and book an appointment with a pharmacist near you on medimap.ca.

To easily search, compare and book an appointment with a pharmacist near you, visit medimap.ca.

About the author

Shereen Photo

Shereen Mohammed

Shereen is a passionate marketing professional with over 7 years of experience in executing traditional and digital marketing strategies across diverse industries. With a background in both agency and client-side roles, Shereen has successfully implemented effective marketing campaigns that have yielded a positive return on investment. As an energetic individual, Shereen possesses strong organizational and communication skills, ensuring seamless team coordination and collaboration. She thrives in process-driven environments, paying meticulous attention to detail while remaining focused on achieving results. With a proven ability to manage multiple projects in competitive and fast-paced settings, she is dedicated to driving success through strategic marketing initiatives.

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