walk in vs primary care

Walk-in Clinics vs. Primary Care Physicians: Making Informed Healthcare Choices

When it comes to accessing healthcare services, individuals have various options available, including walk-in clinics and primary care physicians. Understanding the differences and weighing the pros and cons of each can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare choices. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of visiting walk-in clinics versus having a primary care physician, helping readers navigate the healthcare landscape effectively.

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Minor Ailment Prescribing by Pharmacists: A New Era in Healthcare

From Red Eye to Quick Recovery: How Pharmacists Helped Resolve My Minor Health Issue

I knew I needed to do something about it, but I really didn’t want to go all the way to my family doctor. I had only met them once before, and it seemed like such a hassle to call and make an appointment, get my baby ready and seated, and drive all the way there. I figured it was probably just pink eye or conjunctivitis, and I knew that pharmacists in Ontario were able to prescribe for minor ailments like that, so I decided to go to my local pharmacy instead.

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Why Virtual Care Must Prevail

It’s probably no longer news that the provincial government and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) agreed to defund Virtual Care in Ontario, thus effectively killing this trending mode of care.

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The Vital Role of Pharmacists in Treating Minor Ailments

In the last decade, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with pharmacists in Canada and around the world. To me, it’s very clear that having a pharmacist as part of my care team is crucial to my health and I do my best to shout it from the rooftops to make sure people are aware!

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7 Tips for Actually Getting To See a Doctor

Taking steps to get help with a mental health condition may seem challenging. If you are ready to seek help and have started researching mental health providers near you, you may have discovered there are several options that are mental health professionals.

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Family Doctors

How I Found a Family Doctor in Ontario

Over 6 million Canadians are currently without a family doctor. For the last two and half years I was one of those of Canadians. I recently moved to a new city 2.5 years ago and since then was not able to find a family doctor.

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mental health clinical counselling

Defining Mental Health Professions

Taking steps to get help with a mental health condition may seem challenging. If you are ready to seek help and have started researching mental health providers near you, you may have discovered there are several options that are mental health professionals.

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